RAL Starter Pack

The RAL Starter Pack, dollar for dollar, offers more value than any other pathway into RAL. Not only is it one of the most affordable ways to step into RAL, the material is also the easiest to consume in a short time.

The RAL Starter Pack is the Quickest Route to understanding the opportunity, The RAL Formula, and discovering the RAL role you are best suited to play!

Anyone can find success in the Residential Assisted Living business model. If this is your first time hearing about RAL, your first question should be, “How does RAL work and will it work for me?”

You’ll discover that and more with the RAL Starter Pack.

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The Starter Pack includes unlimited, always and forever access to our three highest value introductory offers.

RAL Introductory Course
Seven part video series outlining the basics of Residential Assisted Living

Residential Assisted Living Silver Tsunami
Follow the “Godfather” of Residential Assisted Living, Gene Guarino, on his RAL journey to success.

RAL Profitability Calculator
A simplified version of our Financial Suite Software ($30k/yr) to help you see the real numbers of RAL.

Intrigued? So many are and for good reason. Residential Assisted Living is on the cutting edge of Real Estate for the next 20 years.

Anyone can find success in the Residential Assisted Living business model. If this is your first time hearing about RAL, your first question should be, “How does RAL work and will it work for me?”

We have prepared a free training taught by RALAcademy Founder, Gene Guarino, and in it Gene will answer every question you could or should have about Residential Assisted Living.

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