Discover what’s possible when your drive and desire is equipped with the knowledge, tools, and expertise needed to succeed in Residential Assisted Living. Get your copy of RAL Origin Success Stories today!
Stories of RALAcademy students and the homes they built. See your future with RAL!
Is Residential Assisted Living a viable business where you live? Absolutely! Purchase lifetime access to our RAL Home Library and see homes in your region. The concept of RAL works everywhere — discover homes that have made it happen in your state!
After spending 3-days in Arizona, men and women depart for home, determined to bring Residential Assisted Living to their community… and they succeed!
Appliances, contractors, flooring, décor, utilities, permits, and more… you’re going to encounter all sorts of decisions from small to large, and your bottom dollar will depend on your ability to make the best choice. Get the top resources and recommendations from our students.
You were born to make a difference in the lives of others. Residential Assisted Living offers you the role of a lifetime. Purchase access to RALAcademy Origin Stories, see how all the parts come together, and discover your role in the story!